
-23-南予医誌 Vol.20 No. 1 2020Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP) is an important device-related in-hospital infection. This study investigated cases in which the VAP bundle was implemented and used from April 2017 to March 2018 in the intensive care unit of a hospital. Articial respiration was performed for 27 patients on 291 days. The implementation rates of the bundle features were: oral care, 95%; head elevation, 40%; circadian rhythm introduction, 45%; closed suctioning, 97%; and control of cu pressure, 100%. Implementation of head elevation and circadian rhythms were hindered by factors that were difficult to avoid, such as therapeutic limitations and unstable circulatory dynamics. For head elevation, priority was given to the elevation at which there was a body posture that was considered advantageous, suggesting that this factor reduces the need for VAP.Department of Nursing Uwajima City Hospital1-1 Goten-machi Uwajima Ehime 798-8510 JapanAbstractRyo MATSUO Asami FUKUMOTOSurvey to implement a ventilator bundle used to prevent ventilator-associated pneumoniaKey words:VAP bundle,implementation rates of bundle features,head elevation and circadian rhythm

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