
南予医誌 Vol.19 No. 1 2019-76-ルコール性Wernicke脳症の可能性を念頭に置く必要がある。また,詳細な問診と丁寧な身体診察が重要である。早期に診断し,そしてKorsakoff症候群への進行を防ぐために早急に経静脈的大量チアミン投与を開始するべきである。参考文献1)  Lindboe CF, Loberg EM. Wernicke’s encephalopathy in non-alcoholics. An autopsy study. J Neurol Sci. 1989;90(2):125–9.2)  金子裕嗣,鶴谷悠也,佐川尚子他.大量飲酒や偏食を伴わずに,Wernicke脳症を来したと考えられた高齢2型糖尿病患者の1例:日老医誌2015; 52: 177-1833)  宮嶋裕明.チアミン・トランスポーター遺伝子変異とWernicke様脳症.Vitamins(Japan): 86(11),625-629(2012)4)  Arun Rajgopal, Antoinette Edmondnson, et al. SLC19A3 encodes a second thiamine transporter: BBA-Molecular Basis of Disease Volume1537, Issue3, 2001, Pages175-85)  Thiamine; Alternative Medicine Review . 2003 Volume 8, Number 1 6)  Velez RJ, Myers B, Guber MS. Severe acute metabolic acidosis (acute beriberi); an avoidable complication of total parenteral nutrition. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr 1985;9:216-219.7)  文部科学省 第2章 日本食品標準成分表 平成27年12月登録8)  Timothy A Morck, Sean R Lynch, and James D Cook. Am. J. Clinical Nutrition 37;1983. 416-420 9)  Somogyi, J. C. and Nageli, U. Antithiamine effect of coffee.; Int. J. Vitam. Nutr. Res. 46. 1976: 149-153 10)  Jonathan Rieck, Hillel Halkin, Shlomo Aomog, et al. Urinary loss of thiamine is increased by low doses furosemide in healthy volunteers.; J Lab Clin Med. 199;134:238–24311)  C G Harper, M Giles, and R Finlay-Jones. Clinical signs in the Wernicke-Korsakoff complex: a retrospective analysis of 131 cases diagnosed at necropsy: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1986 Apr; 49(4): 341-34512)  G.Zuccoli, D. Santa Cruz, et al. MR Imaging Findings in 56 Patients with Wernicke Encephalopathy: Nonalcoholics May Differ from Alcoholics:AJN January 2009,30(1)171-17613)  D Caine, G M Hallliday, J J Kril, et al. Operational criteria for the classification of chronic alcoholics: identification of Wemicke’s encephalopathy: J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry. 1997; 62:51-6014)  Simon J Scalzo, Stephen C Bowden, Margaret L Ambrose, et al. Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome not related to alcohol use; General Neurology Psychiatry 2015;86:1362-1368

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