南予医学雑誌 第18巻

甲谷、他:当院における経皮内視鏡的胃瘻造設術の検討南予医誌 Vol.18 No. 1 2017-55-A review of cases undergoing percutaneous en-doscopic gastrostomy at our institutionAbstract We analyzed the outcomes of 68 cases of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy(PEG)performed in our institution from April 2011 to December 2016;22cases were male and 46female.PEG was performed using the pull method as part of operative management.PEG was indicated because of cerebrovascular disease in 48cases (70.6%).Wound infection occurred in four cases and mucosal hemorrhage at the PEG site in one case.Accidental removal of the gastrotube occurred in ve cases.No case required emergency surgery be-cause of accidental puncture of the gastrointestinal tract.All 68 patients survived after PEG,ranging from 30 to 1500days(mean survival time 580 days).Patients should be given ac-curate information on morbidity and mortality risks prior to PEG.(Nan-yo Med J 2017; 18: 50-55.)Keywords:percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy,post-gastrostomy complicationsTakashi KOHTANI1),Yoshitaka OKI2)Shiro YAMAMOTO2),Haruhisa HASHIMOTO2),Kenzo OKADA3)1) Departmentof Surgery, Yoshida Municipal Uwajima Hospital.2) Departmentof Internal Medicine Yoshida Municipal Uwajima Hospital.3)Departmentof Surgery, Uwajima city Hospital.Takashi kohtaniKitakouji Yoshidachou ,Uwajima, Ehime 799-3701, Japan

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