南予医学雑誌 第18巻
南予医誌 Vol.18 No. 1 2017-42-DiscussionIn this study, we obtained two important findings.Serum IgE levels of all Graves’ disease patients significantly increased in spring group compared with in summer group.Furthermore, in spring and autumn groups, serum IgE levels of female Graves’ disease patients significantly increased than that of summer group although serum IgE levels of male Graves’ disease patients showed no significant differences in each season.In spring group of all Graves’ disease patients, serum IgE levels significantly in-creased than that of summer group in the present study.In the patients with Graves’ disease, the relations between Graves’ disease and seasonal allergic rhinitis due to Japanese cedar pollen are well known.Hi-(Table2) Characteristics of the male patients in each seasonTable2CharacteristicsofthemalepatientsineachseasonTable 2Characteristics of the male patients in each seasontotalspringsummerautumnwintern = 27n = 3n = 11n = 8n = 5pvalueage, yrs46.7 ±15.545.7 ±7.646.9 ±19.846.5 ±15.947.2 ±10.6N.S.TSH, IU/mL<0.01<0.01<0.01<0.01<0.01N.S.,/FT3, pg/mL17.4 ±8.519.3 ±14.215.7 ±8.017.5 ±8.919.7 ±7.10N.S.FT4,ng/dL5.1±2.14.9±3.04.8±2.25.1±2.25.9±1.9N.S.FT4, ng/dL5.1 ±2.14.9 ±3.04.8 ±2.25.1 ±2.25.9 ±1.9N.S.TRAb, IU/L16.0 ±12.727.4 ±21.816.2 ±13.510.5 ±7.017.4 ±10.5N.S.IgEIU/mL183(41-443)357(107-1312)152(41-232)203(278-4365)443(42-692)NSIgE, IU/mL183 (41443)357 (1071312)152 (41232)203 (27.8436.5)443 (42692)N.S.TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone; FT3, free tri-iodethyronine; FT4, free thyroxine; TRAb, TSH receptor antibody; IgE, immunoglobulin E; N.S.; not significantDh±SDdi(IQR)PlbdTkKKklWlliData are shown as mean±SD or median (IQR). Pvalues are based on Tukey-Kramer test or Kruskal-Wallis test.Table3CharacteristicsofthefemalepatientsineachseasonTable 3 Characteristics of the female patients in each seasontotalspringsummerautumnwintern = 83n = 19n = 23n = 29n = 12pvalueage, yrs47.4 ±16.240.5 ±19.352.9 ±13.445.6 ±14.752.4 ±16.4N.S.TSH, IU/mL0.01 ±0.002<0.010.01 ±0.0020.01 ±0.002<0.01N.S.,/FT3, pg/mL15.0 ±8.020.9 ±8.512.4 ±6.914.2 ±7.012.8 ±8.0*<0.05FT4,ng/dL4.6±2.15.9±2.04.0±1.94.6±2.03.8±1.9*<0.05****FT4, ng/dL4.6 ±2.15.9 ±2.04.0 ±1.94.6 ±2.03.8 ±1.90.05TRAb, IU/L15.6 ±12.019.1 ±10.514.2 ±13.514.7 ±11.414.9 ±12.8N.S.IgEIU/mL115(45-259)195(71-1053)63(16-114)182(59-369)805(27-1403)*<005**IgE, IU/mL115 (45259)195 (711053)63 (16114)182 (59369)80.5 (27140.3)<0.05TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone; FT3, free tri-iodethyronine; FT4, free thyroxine; TRAb, TSH receptor antibody; IgE, immunoglobulin E, N.S.; not significantData are shown as mean±SD or median (IQR). Pvalues are based on Tukey-Kramer test, Kruskal-Wallis test, or Steel-Dwasstest. *p<0.05(Table3) Characteristics of the female patients in each season