南予医学雑誌 第18巻
宮内、他:Seasonal differences of serum Immunoglobulin E levels at the first visit in patients with Graves' disease南予医誌 Vol.18 No. 1 2017-41-Dwass test, Tukey-Kramer test, or Pearson chi square test were added to compare all four groups.All analyses were performed using JMP version 11.0 software(SAS Institute Japan Inc., Tokyo, Japan).A P value less than 0.05 was considered to indi-cate a statistically signicant difference.ResultsAt the rst visit in all patients with Graves’ disease, the results of comparison for the IgE levels in each season were shown in (Table1).Serum IgE levels in spring group were significantly higher(p<0.05, Tukey-Kramer test)than that of summer group.The serum free T3 levels in spring group were significantly higher(p<0.05, Tukey-Kramer test)than those of summer group and autumn group, and the serum free T4 levels in spring group were signi-cantly higher(p<0.05, Tukey-Kramer test)than that of summer group.In male patients, the results of compari-son for the IgE levels in each season were shown in (Table2).There were no signi-cant differences of serum IgE levels be-tween each group.In female patients, the results of compari-son for the IgE levels in each season were shown in (Table3).Serum IgE levels in spring group and autumn group were sig-nificantly higher(p<0.05, Tukey-Kramer test)than that of summer group.The se-rum free T3 levels in spring group were sig-nificantly higher(p<0.05, Tukey-Kramer test)than those of summer group and au-tumn group, and the serum free T4 levels in spring group were significantly higher(p<0.05, Tukey-Kramer test)than those of summer group and winter group.(Table1) Characteristics of all patients in each seasonTable1CharacteristicsofallpatientsineachseasonTable 1 Characteristics of all patients in each seasontotalspringsummerautumnwintern = 110n = 22n = 34n = 37n = 17pvaluegender, M/F27/833/1911/238/295/12N.S.age, yrs47.2 ±16.041.2 ±18.150.9 ±15.745.8 ±14.750.9 ±14.8N.S.g,yTSH, IU/mL0.01 ±0.001<0.010.01 ±0.0020.01 ±0.002<0.01N.S.FT3,pg/mL15.6±8.220.7±9.013.4±7.314.9±7.414.9±8.2*<0.05**FT3, pg/mL15.6 ±8.220.7 ±9.013.4 ±7.314.9 ±7.414.9 ±8.20.05FT4, ng/dL4.7 ±2.15.8 ±2.14.2 ±2.04.7 ±2.04.4 ±2.1*<0.05TRAbIU/L157±121203±122148±134138±106156±119NS*TRAb, IU/L15.7 ±12.120.3 ±12.214.8 ±13.413.8 ±10.615.6 ±11.9N.S.IgE, IU/mL123 (45-300.3)207 (90.5-1117.8)82 (34.8-159.8)182 (48.5-397)94 (33-252)*<0.05*TSH, thyroid stimulating hormone; FT3, free tri-iodethyronine; FT4, free thyroxine; TRAb, TSH receptor antibody; IgE, immunoglobulin E; N.S.; not significantData are shown as mean±SD or median (IQR). Pvalues are based on Tukey-Kramer test, Kruskal-Wallis test, Steel-Dwasstest, or Pearson chi square test.*p<0.05