南予医学雑誌 第17巻
南予医誌 Vol.17 No. 1 2016-32-Abstract The number of cases in which adrenal venous sampling (AVS) is performed in our depart-ment is increasing because it is an essential examination for determining whether surgery for primary aldosteronism is needed. We performed AVS in 49 cases from April 2010 to August 2016. The success rate of AVS was 100% on the left side and 83% on the right side. The lower success rate on the right side is thought to have been due to failure to identify the right adrenal vein. To increase the success rate, it is important to evaluate the vascular anatomy from contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) images before the procedure and to use cone beam CT during the procedure. We observed two complications: an inferior vena cava injury and a right adrenal hemorrhage. In another case, we discontinued the pro-cedure without sampling because right adrenal hemorrhage was suspected.(Nan-yo Med J 2016; 176: 25-32.)Adrenal venous sampling at Uwajima City Hos-pitalTakaaki IWAMURA1), Akira FUKUI1), Yuuma INOUE1)Takashi TAKEGUCHI2)Shozo MIYAUCHI3), Masumi MIYAZAKI3) 1) Department of Radiology2) Department of Diagnostic Radiology3) Department of Diabetes and EndocrinologyUwajima City HospitalGoten-machi, Uwajima, Ehime 798-8510, Japan