南予医学雑誌 第16巻

林:三つ子の魂百まで南予医誌 Vol.16 No. 1 2015-5-10)  Takeuchi H, Taki Y, Hashizume H, et al.: The impact of television viewing on brain structures: cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses. Cereb Cortex doi: 10. 1093/cercor/bht315. Epub 2013 Nov 20.11)  日本小児科学会こどもの生活環境改善委員会:乳幼児のテレビ・ビデオ長時間視聴は危険です.日小児会誌 108: 709-712, 2004.12)  柏木恵子:子供という価値―少子化時代の女性の心理.中央公論新社、東京、2001.13)  エリク・H・エリクソン著、仁科弥生訳:幼児期と社会.みすず書房、東京、1977.14)  Cameron L, Erkal N, Gangadharan L, et al.: Little emperors: behavioral impacts of China’s One-Child Policy. Science 339(6122): 953-957, 2013.Abstract The number of children with limited ability to communicate is increasing. This tendency may originate from perinatal episodes or the environment. Japan has the unique circum-stance of a greater number of elderly people and fewer younger people, which is a huge so-cial problem. We are losing the culture to raise our children, which includes raising children with the assistance of the people around our children. When young children are isolated from their parents during the neonatal period, they lose their smile, empathy, and humanity and become immature adults. Thus, we must reinvigorate the culture of raising children in Japan.(Nan-yo Med J 2015; 16: 1-5.)What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave: considering culture when raising our childrenMasatoshi HAYASHIDepartment of PediatricsUwajima City HospitalGoten-machi, Uwajima, Ehime 798-8510, JAPAN

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