南予医学雑誌 第15巻

中橋、他:UAEを行った子宮仮性動脈瘤例南予医誌 Vol.15 No. 1 2014-87-Abstract Uterine pseudoaneurysm can occur after uterine surgery or postpartum, and it causes so much genital bleeding that a hysterectomy may be considered for hemostasis. We report a case of uterine pseudoaneurysm successfully treated by uterine artery em-bolization (UAE). The case is a 25-year-old multigravida.  During the second month of pregnancy, intrauterine curettage was performed due to inevitable abortion. On the 6th day after the operation, she had a sudden abundant genital bleeding. An ultrasound examination at a previous clinic revealed gestational sac-like nd-ings in the cervix. Cervical pregnancy was suspected, and she was brought to our institu-tion. On her arrival, we detected an intracervical cystic echo 7 mm in diameter and conrmed pulsating blood ow by color Doppler echogram. We then diagnosed uterine pseudoaneu-rysm. A uterine artery embolization was performed for prolonged bleeding and progressive anemia. Postoperative examination showed that the cystic echo in the cervix had disap-peared.(Nan-yo Med J 2014; 15: 82-87.)A case of uterine pseudoaneurysm treated by uterine artery embolizationNorifumi NAKAHASHI1), Masaki KIYOMURA1), Shinji HYODO1), Mari IWAMOTO1), Akira FUKUI2) 1) Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology2) Department of RadiologyUwajima City HospitalGoten-machi, Uwajima, Ehime798-8510, JAPAN

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