浅見、他:小児眼窩蜂窩織炎の一例南予医誌 Vol.15 No. 1 2014-81-Abstract Orbital cellulitis is often caused by a spread of inammation through veins or adjacent tissue, as well as by sinusitis. Sinusitis is the most common cause of orbital cellulitis in chil-dren. Occasionally, inammation spreads to the orbit and results in ocular movement distur-bance and/or optic nerve disorder. Here, we report a case of orbital cellulitis with subperiosteal abscess caused by sinusitis, which involved a restriction of ocular adduction. Although we obtained a prompt recovery by intravenous antibiotic therapy, one should not hesitate to perform surgical drainage when conservative therapy is not effective.(Nan-yo Med J 2014; 15: 73-81.)A case of orbital cellulitis with subperiosteal ab-scess possibly requiring surgical intervention in a childTsuneyuki ASAMI, Michiko OKAMOTO, Yu KUWABARA, Izumi TERAOKA, Yoshihiro TAKAHASHI, Kentaro OKAMOTO, Koji NAGATANI, Masatoshi HAYASHI Department of PediatricsUwajima City HospitalGoten-machi, Uwajima, Ehime 798-8510, JAPAN
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