南予医学雑誌 第15巻

南予医誌 Vol.15 No. 1 2014-8-autologous transplantation versus chemotherapy for newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: A systematic re-view and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Biol Blood Marrow Transplant 2007; 13: 183-196.8)  Chari A, Mazumder A, Jagannath S: Proteasome inhibition and its thera-peutic potential in multiple myeloma. Biologics 2010; 4: 273-287.9)  Harousseau JL, Attal M, Avet-Loiseau H, et al.: Bortezomib plus dexametha-sone is superior to vincristine plus doxorubicin plus dexamethasone as induction treatment prior to au-tologous stem-cell transplantation in newly diagnosed multiple myeloma: results of the IFM 2005-01 phase III trial. J Clin Oncol 2010; 28: 4621-4629.10)  San Miguel JF, Schlag R, Khuageva NK, et al.: Bortezomib plus melphalan and prednisone for initial treatment of multiple myeloma. N Engl J Med 2008; 359: 906-917.11)  Kenyon BM, Browne F, D’Amato RJ: Effects of thalidomide and related metabolites in a mouse corneal model of neovascularization. Exp Eye Res 1997; 64: 971-978.12)  Singhal S, Mehta J, Desikan R, et al.: Antitumor activity of thalidomide in refractory multiple myeloma. N Engl J Med 1999; 341: 1565-1571.13)  Dimopoulos MA, Chen C, Spencer A, et al.: Long-term follow-up on overall survival from the MM-009 and MM-010 phase III trials of lenalidomide plus dexamethasone in patients with relapsed or refractory multiple myelo-ma. Leukemia 2009; 23: 2147-2152.14)  Zonder JA, Crowley J, Hussein MA, et al.: Lenalidomide and high-dose dexa-methasone compared with dexameth-asone as initial therapy for multiple myeloma: a randomized Southwest Oncology Group trial (S0232). Blood 2010; 116: 5838-5841.15)  Orlowski RZ: Novel agents for mul-tiple myeloma to overcome resistance in phase III clinical trials. Semin On-col 2013; 40: 634-651.16)  Fisher RI, LeBlanc M, Press OW, et al.: New treatment options have changed the survival of patients with follicular lymphoma. J Clin Oncol 2005; 23: 8447-8452.17)  Salles G, Seymour JF, Offner F, et al.: Rituximab maintenance for 2 years in patients with high tumour burden fol-licular lymphoma responding to ritux-imab plus chemotherapy (PRIMA): a phase 3, randomised controlled trial. Lancet 2011; 377: 42-51.18)  Trotman J, Fournier M, Lamy T, et al.: Positron emission tomography-computed tomography (PET-CT) after induction therapy is highly pre-dictive of patient outcome in follicular lymphoma: analysis of PET-CT in a subset of PRIMA trial participants. J Clin Oncol 2011; 29: 3194-3200.19)  Witzig TE, Gordon LI, Cabanillas F, et al.: Randomized controlled trial

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