酒井、他:高齢者の内服自己管理調査南予医誌 Vol.14 No. 1 2013-15-Abstract Because the number of households comprising only one elderly individual has in-creased, the number of elderly patients who manage their oral medicines single-handedly has also increased. Evaluation of the remaining oral medicine brought in by the elderly patients hospitalized in our ward has revealed many noncompliant patients. To elucidate the status of prehospitalization management of oral medicine, we interviewed 100 elderly patients using an original questionnaire. We found that many elderly patients manage their oral medicines using the given envelopes, not the commercial framed boxes. We also found that patients with dementia do not tend to forget to take their oral medicine. (Nan-yo Med J 2013;14:9-15.)Survey on elderly patients’ management of oral medicineTakuji SAKAI, Maho KURITA, Hiromi YAMAMOTODepartment of Nursing Uwajima City HospitalGoten-machi, Uwajima, Ehime 798-8510, JAPAN
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