南予医学雑誌 第13巻 第1号

大熊、他:スズメバチによる角膜刺傷例南予医誌 Vol.13 No. 1 2012-43-Abstract A 77-year-old male was stung by a wasp in his left eye and visited our hospital the next day. At the initial visit, the visual acuity in his left eye was at the level of hand motion only. Slit-lamp microscopic examination disclosed stromal opacity and a corneal epithelial defect at 7 o’clock, diffuse severe corneal edema, and fibrin formation in the anterior chamber. Treatment was initiated immediately, with irrigation of the anterior chamber, subcon-junctival injection, and topical corticosteroids. The inflammation in the anterior chamber disappeared in 1 week and the corneal edema improved gradually; however, the corneal endothelium cells decreased to 460/mm2. No complications developed, such as anterior subcapsular cataracts or secondary glaucoma. The visual acuity improved to 0.3. The prog-nosis of a wasp sting of the cornea is poor and often leads to blindness. Treatment consist-ing of early irrigation of the anterior chamber and frequent subconjunctival injection of cor-ticosteroid might help maintain relatively good visual acuity.(Nan-yo Med J 2012;13:35-43.)A wasp sting involving the corneaShinichi OKUMA1), Naoko OKA1), Yuka YAMASHITA1),Motohiro NISHITANI1), Satoshi NAITO1), Atsushi SHIRAISHI2)1) Department of OphthalmologyUwajima City HospitalGoten-machi, Uwajima, Ehime 798-8510, JAPAN2) Department of OphthalmologyEhime University School of MedicineShitsukawa, Toon, Ehime 791-0295, JAPAN


