南予医学雑誌 第17巻

山崎、他:チーム医療による糖尿病支援の効果南予医誌 Vol.17 No. 1 2016-15-Abstract A registered dietitian started a diabetes class in our hospital in 1979. Since 2003, a medi-cal care team approach has been used. The team now includes a diabetologist. The number of participants in the diabetes class has increased and an evening class and patient activities have been added. This led to a Diabetes Week event called “Blue Light Up Uwajima”. The content of the classes has been enriched by adding a certied diabetes educator and lec-tures by various hospital professionals. Consequently, the number of participants has gradu-ally increased. Ten patients who participated in at least three diabetes classes in 2015 were selected and their HbA1c levels were measured. The average HbA1c was 6.9%. This result was better than the mean for diabetics in our hospital, demonstrating the validity of the diabetes class.(Nan-yo Med J 2016; 17: 9-15.)The effect of diabetes support by the medical care teamYuki YAMAZAKI1), Mayumi OKAZAKI1), Yukie NISHIMOTO2), Misato KAWAGUCHI3), Yoshio KAMIZAKI3), Masato FUJITA4), Kinpei AKAMATSU5), Tohru EGUCHI6), Syozo MIYAUCHI7)1) Department of Food Science and Nutrition2) Department of Clinical Laboratory3) Department of Nursing4) Department of Pharmacy5) Department of Clinical Laboratory, Uwajima City tsushima Hospital6) Department of Internal Medicine, Shimonoseki City Hospital7) Department of Internal MedicineUwajima City HospitalGoten-machi, Uwajima, Ehime 798-8510, Japan

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