南予医学雑誌 第14巻

江口、他:伝染性単核球症に合併したバセドウ病例南予医誌 Vol.14 No. 1 2013-29-参考文献1)  森川昭廣, 原寿郎, 内山聖 : 伝染性単核球症. 標準小児科学 Vol.6. 医学書院, 東京, 2006 : pp359.2)  Pichler R, Maschek W, Hatzl-Griesen-hofer M, et al. : Enterovirus infection―a possible trigger for Graves’ dis-ease? Wien Klin Wochenschr 2001; 113: 204-207.3)  Joasoo A, Robertson P, Murray IPC. : Viral antibodies and thyrotoxicosis. Lancet 1975; 2: 215.4)  Sander DM, Wolfsheimer K, Gallaher WR, et al. : Seroreactivity to A-type retrovirus proteins in a subset of cats with hyperthyroidism. Microsc Res Tech 2005; 68: 235-238.5)  Leite J, Bufalo N, Santos R, et al. : Herpes virus type 7 infection may play an important role in individuals with agenetic profile of susceptibility to Graves’ disease. Eur J Endocrinol 2010; 162: 315-321.6)  Tomer, Y. Davies T. : Infection, thyroid disease and auto- immunity. Endocr Rev 1993; 14: 107-120.7)  宮下和也:伝染性単核球症に伴って発症したバセドウ病の3例 日本甲状腺学会雑誌 2011; 2: 45-47.8)  Akahori H, Takeshita Y, Saito R, et al. : Graves’ Disease Associated with Infectious Mononucleosis due to Pri-mary Epstein-Barr Virus Infection: Report of 3 Cases. Intern Med 2010; 49: 2599-2603.9)  Heath CW Jr, Brodsky AL, Potolsky A: Infectious mononucleosis in a general population. Am J Epidemiol 1972; 95: 46.10)  Aronson MD, Komaroff AL, Pass TM, et al. : Heterophil antibody in adults with sore throat: frequency and clinical presentation. Ann Intern Med 1982; 96: 505.11)  Morris MC, Edmunds WJ : The changing epidemiology of infectious mononucleosis? J Infect 2002; 45: 107.

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